davewiner: Yes it does still work.
davewiner: Just checking to see if this still works.
davewiner: That last item is the idea.
davewiner: It’s the obvious next step. They’ve established a strong standard for a new kind of communication. If I were doing a new product that supported these kinds of hooks, I’d want it to be 100 percent compatible with Slack, so it could “run” the same software.
davewiner: The other half is implementing the Slack side of both these interfaces, so one can create Slack-compatible environments.
davewiner: Outgoing: Posts from the <#C08R9ULLT> channel show up on .
davewiner: Incoming: The connection from Radio3 to Slack, so my links show up in <#C051X484P>.
davewiner: I had an idea. I’ve implemented both kinds of webhooks for Slack now, incoming and outgoing.
davewiner: I started a fresh post for a new week in the braintrust.
davewiner: Scratch that, it did make it into the liveblog. It just took Slack a long time to get around to calling the webhook.
davewiner: For some reason my message didn’t make it into the liveblog.
davewiner: Another week in the braintrust.
davewiner: Mets win
davewiner: More runs. 12-3
davewiner: Now the Mets are rubbing it in.
ted: I’ve apparently trained myself to try to scroll on everything
ted: I’m not saying that’s a good thing
ted: hmm… I have the default scroll settings on my Mac which means I almost never see scroll bars
davewiner: there wasn’t a scroll bar there, now there is
davewiner: weird ux
ted: scroll down
davewiner: So I see the plays for the 1st inning. How to get to the third?
davewiner: I see
davewiner: E.g. Murphy got a single, Uribe walked, Johnson doubled scoring both.
davewiner: Tell me how the Mets scored their 9 runs
ted: right hand side, click plays
davewiner: That’s not play-by-play.
ted: Is that not this?
davewiner: heh
davewiner: 9-3
davewiner: Score is 8-3
davewiner: I looked away for a couple of minutes and the Mets scored two more runs.
chuck: ah.
davewiner: but he’s had two doubles
davewiner: solo home run
davewiner: no no
chuck: bases loaded homer?
davewiner: Kelly Johnson drove in 3 runs
davewiner: 7-3 Mets up
davewiner: home run!
davewiner: burning in a new version of river4
davewiner: i’m watching the game on my computer
jeremyzilar: trying to find it
jeremyzilar: does the play by play in text form.... there is a super buried link here
chuck: yep
davewiner: assholes
davewiner: aha
chuck: they want you in the parks or watching tv
davewiner: It’s the game we went to on Tuesday.
chuck: I think MLB crawls up the ass of people who try to do that in real time. They claim to own the stats produced by MLB games, so it makes it problematic to report on them in real time if they don’t want you to.
chuck: That’s after the fact right?
davewiner: Just found it.
davewiner: Wait a minute
davewiner: They’re winning 6-3 in the 5th inning. But how did they score the runs? No clue.
davewiner: The Mets are playing right now, a rare weekday day game.
davewiner: Here’s something that doesn’t seem to exist. A site that has the play-by-play for current MLB games.
chuck: no reason you can’t run 2 of these streams, one for copy and one for media assets
jeremyzilar: Like, if I am live blogging a baseball game, and I post to instagram with the <#C08R9ULLT> hashtag, it would be great to pull that photo into the live blog. For that matter, if I post to Twitter or Facebook and use that hashtag, it would be great to pull in those tweets or Facebook posts.
jeremyzilar: outside of e-mail, it would be great to pull in all photos from a user using a hashtag.
jeremyzilar: E-mail (on iPhone at least) is the only background connection that will reliably keep trying to send, regardless of the fact that you may be going in and out of signal range. In a breaking new situation, you want the peace of mind to know that the item you sent will be sent the next time it is possible.
jeremyzilar: The most reliable way for someone on the ground (like a reporter) to get a photo back to the newsroom is to e-mail it from their phone
jeremyzilar: So if I were at an event, and I were one of your live bloggers, you'd also want an automated way to pull in photos — _fast_.
davewiner: It could even be something the reader could do.
davewiner: Sure that makes sense.
chuck: Dave, I wasn’t thinking about it just from a chat transcript perspective. As an editor who might be preparing a more structured presentation of some recorded dialog, having to do it “upside down” is challenging. It might be interesting to have the option to just invert the whole outline after it is recorded.
ted: I have no idea
davewiner: Ted there was a movie I think where “turn that frown upside down” was a big line. Can’t think of it. Can you?
davewiner: If you're a patient it's super important to connect with the staff at the doctor's office on a personal level.
davewiner: Old style phones could be cradled betw shoulder and ear so you could type while talking. No can do with cell phone.
davewiner: heh :wink:
ted: turn that frown upside down! :grinning:
davewiner: everyone’s a critic :disappointed:
ted: bummer
davewiner: My software isn’t watching for edits.
davewiner: Ted, it won't
ted: lets see if I can edit something and have it propagate. I’ll wait for this to appear on liveblog
davewiner: You know the Mets are playing a day game today. I’m thinking about playing hooky. :wink:
davewiner: JZ, what a beautiful day in NY.
davewiner: BTW, did you know you can edit what you post to slack after the fact? I have to look to see if there is a webhook for that (I bet there is).
davewiner: Chat transcripts are nothing new. There probably already are lots of ways of getting Slack to do them? If not, geez, maybe I should just go straight to that. I can’t imagine they don’t have it.
davewiner: Just getting started here..
davewiner: Chuck, I don’t know.
chuck: Will you have an option to have it spool out in chronological order, too? That’s probably easier to read after the fact, while reverse is easier to read in real time
davewiner: Jen, there’s no limit to the number of people. It’s not really about the number of people. Like you said, we could do the play by play of a Knicks game. But I wouldn’t just post a chat transcript, that’s been done before. I want to have an editor between us and the published page. That’s why the text flows through my outliner. Where the editor can organize it any way he or she wants.
nakedjen: It truly is magnificent. I like the simplicity. How many people does it support at one time?!
nakedjen: Ha!
nakedjen: Or even things like Knicks Games when I can't be sitting there on the couch with you.
davewiner: yes, it came from an idea from the NYT, they used slack this way during the repub debate
nakedjen: During political debates. Or finale television series.
davewiner: ?
nakedjen: You know when this will be especially fun?!?
nakedjen: I love this! And every body! Of course. I wasn't just saying that.
nakedjen: This is magnificent!
nakedjen: oh look at that? and it does!!
davewiner: Jen and it does
nakedjen: So if I post here that I love every body it should appear on the live blog, right?
davewiner: Andrew, what version of are you running? It should be 0.54b.
davewiner: I’m in the middle of something right now, I’ll have a look in a few minutes.
andrewshell: I’m seeing it on Dave’s post, but nothing on my liveblog.
andrewshell: I have liveblog open. Let’s see what happens.
davewiner: try again in a minute
davewiner: hold on
davewiner: oh that’s not good
andrewshell: false
andrewshell: When I go to it says "Can't open the editor because there was an error connecting to the server, or the user is not whitelisted."
davewiner: try launching and see what happens when you post something here.
davewiner: aha
andrewshell: On your liveblog
andrewshell: No, it’s that earlier my message didn’t go through. So I tried again and it worked
davewiner: I forgot that it would work on ANY copy of , not just mine.
davewiner: Oh did you hook up? :wink:
andrewshell: It worked
davewiner: Did something click for you Andrew?
andrewshell: As Dave might say… Bing!
andrewshell: Let’s try this again!
davewiner: But it was fun to write. Relaxing. And I needed some relaxation at the time. :wink:
davewiner: The “stack” may sound complex, but in its implementation it’s super lightweight. JZ, as I told you yesterday, the way the Slack people implemented it is exactly the way I needed them to. The only thing they could have done is let me make a long-poll request, so I don’t need the little Node app as a go-between.
davewiner: Hello there!
davewiner: All the metadata is attached to the headline as attributes, and is saved in the OPML. I can then edit the outline any way I want. This is essential. And to JZ, there’s no copy/paste by the editor. That step is eliminated. The pasting is done by the software.
davewiner: I should explain how this works. 1. I create an outgoing webhook on this channel, that sends each message to a Node app running on one of my servers in the EC2 cloud. 2. That server implements a long-poll HTTP request, like the function supported by nodeStorage, that lets a remote app be notified immediately when the hook is called. 3. I call that long-poll handler from , and when a message comes in, it just inserts it at the cursor position in the current outline.
davewiner: Andrew’s post didn’t make it through for some reason. Hmmm.
jeremyzilar: Hello friends!
ted: so I see all the updates that come through
davewiner: aha
ted: I use Slack at work, so I have the slack app open all day
davewiner: no
ted: are we sure they know about it?
davewiner: and marco marcofabbri
davewiner: how can we get andrewshell to try it
davewiner: hey ted glad you checked this out
ted: affirmative!
ted: does this work for me?
chuck: Have fun at the game. Hope the doc appt is tame. Gotta go get coffee!
davewiner: nice
chuck: I’m in Ft. Lauderdale to put the pirate system on some cargo boats today. Not as fun as a baseball game, but still an interesting peek into stuff normal folks don’t get to see
davewiner: good! I will need test cases, things that really need to be group-blogged
chuck: Well, when you get to it, that will be the killer feature. It’s already cool.
davewiner: assuming it doesn’t get rained out
davewiner: i can’t do it today— I have a big doctor appointment, and then i’m going to the mets game tonight
davewiner: we’ll have to look into this
davewiner: I don’t think they called me
davewiner: there’s nothing in the outline
davewiner: OK back
chuck: k
davewiner: hold on don’t post anything for a moment.
chuck: heh. what does that do in the outline?
davewiner: Oh I see what you’re doing
davewiner: my old friend
davewiner: They don’t use it themselves.
davewiner: Haha. If the Twitter guys had a vision it wouldn’t be so lost in space.
chuck: yep, chase their own vision, not a Twitter hallucination
davewiner: Rather than giving them any ideas.
davewiner: If I were them I’d just let Twitter burn themselves up.
chuck: There is a lot of hidden value in the Slack stack. It *could* do what Twitter missed if that is on their roadmap
davewiner: No bullshit.
davewiner: And the code to do this was just a joy to write.
davewiner: I got the idea as I was about to write yet another “This is what Twitter should do” piece. I realized after outlining it that Slack had already done it.
davewiner: Has none of the problems of Twitter.
davewiner: Slack is a good editorial surface.
chuck: how does it handle rich media? Can I paste a picture yet?
davewiner: I can “navigate” in the background without the human user knowing it.
chuck: This is really cool though. It lets Slack be used as a private room to blog/podcast stuff to a private space.
davewiner: I now am a more sophisticated JS programmer than I used to be.
davewiner: It’ll be easier than that
chuck: Might have to add a second cursor of sorts (or add an attribute on the node that is currently receiving updates or something)
davewiner: I wanted to get a little experience using it before attempting that.
davewiner: I haven’t programmed the part about how it decides where to put the new stuff.
davewiner: It throws the whole thing off
davewiner: If I move the cursor
chuck: heh. just pointing it out in case...
chuck: Hmm. My last post didn’t show up though.
davewiner: Let me show you what I can do from my "editorial workstation."
davewiner: Yeah. I got the idea from the NYT. How about that. Might be the first time.
davewiner: The important thing is is that it’s just an outline on my desktop that I can edit.
davewiner: Glad you like it
chuck: This is pretty killer!
davewiner: Chuck you just have to type something here and it should show up on the page.
davewiner: I warned you about that
chuck: oh! the outline edit is cool
davewiner: That’s a glitch
chuck: Unless you edited it :wink:
davewiner: Before the net, we'd say what we think, and not worry too much about the consequences, because there weren't any. But lately, discourse has been like the great movie The Lives of Others about how hard it was to say anything in East Germany before the wall came down. We all live in that world now. We're all subject to the same rules as Presidential candidates in the US, and you know what -- it sucks! I'm not running for anything. Why should I give up my ability to speak? Why should your fake offense prevent anyone from saying what they think? It shouldn't.
davewiner: in my next coding session i hope to make this more bulletproof
davewiner: so if i were using the liveoutliner while typing into this window, the stuff would go in the wrong place.
davewiner: it’s a little ad hoc
davewiner: I have a nice thing working here
davewiner: test5
davewiner: test4
davewiner: test3
davewiner: test2
davewiner: test1