We hide a truth so horrible. We got caught going in the wrong direction after 9/11. We were weak. Most of us knew that the wars had nothing to do with the attacks. So when we say that our soldiers died protecting our freedom, we know that's a lie too. Yet it's repeated over and over. If you want to watch an NBA game you have to accept the stars saying it in commercials. The ads that sell military enlistment say it. Our military protects our way of life at home, they say. I suppose that's true, but not the way the enlistees think. Yet when they die they really are dead,
that's not a lie. The lives the war destroyed are really destroyed. But the war wasn't really the war we said it was. We should have refused to go on, but we didn't. We kept living our high lives. Riding bubbles, crashes, new bubbles. It's got to stop some time. There has to be a moment when we deal with the truth.