My poor uncle
Sun, May 24, 2015 at 9:46 AM by Dave Winer ☮.
  • Oh how the world changes. My hippie uncle Ken Kiesler died in 2003. He was one of my best friends. We used to joke about stuff, a lot. He was at his funniest when he was self-deprecating.
  • I once showed him the Dancing Hamsters, and he pretended to faint. He said his mind was overloading. He couldn't parse what he was looking at. (He was kidding, the hamsters were just something silly, he got that of course.)
  • After he died, he even became an Internet meme himself, posing in front of a picture of my great-great grandfather from The Old Country.
  • Now it's 12 years later, and I often think in terms of new technology, and how would Ken react to it. I know he'd love iPhones. He was constantly looking things up in the Information Please Almanac. It was the closest thing to an iPhone in his time. Now he'd be using it to look up stuff on Wikipedia, all the time. So he would not have had any trouble understanding an iPhone.
  • But. How would he react to Conchita Wurst? Ha! I bet he'd pass out on the spot.